IRTEMS Main Goals
Develop an instantaneous road traffic emission modelling system for its application at city scale by coupling a hybrid traffic model with instantaneous modal emission models to provide highly detailed data for air quality simulations.
- Quantify individual vehicle trip emissions at high resolution by means of an instantaneous road traffic emission modelling system.
- Validate modelled vs. measured individual trip emissions.
- Quantify spatial and temporal variation of emissions for selected cities (in the USA and Europe).
- Quantify total emissions at city scale including non-exhaust (tire and brake wear).
- Integrate city scale road traffic emissions into CFD based air quality models.
Research Objectives
RO1. Apply USA emission model to the specific characteristics of selected study cases and evaluation with measured data.
RO2. Select and adapt modules to apply and integrate into European instantaneous emission models.
RO3. Feed European instantaneous emissions models with detailed traffic results by generating city-scale hybrid traffic models using available commercial software.
RO4. Validation of the emission model results with on-road measured data and preparation of the emissions results to be included into air quality models CFD based.