- IRTEMS project closure workshopWhat: IRTEMS project closure workshop: Modelling instantaneous road transport emissions When: 13 February 2024, 9:30 – 11:00h (CET) Where: In person at Aula seminario Química II, ETSI Industriales (UPM), (also on Zoom). Materials 9:30 – 9:35h Welcome to participants by Rafael Borge and Christina Quaassdorff 9:35 – 9:45h MSCA opportunities and experience by… Read more: IRTEMS project closure workshop
- IRTEMS project participates at the 2023 edition of the UPM2T deep tech venture validation programmeUPM2T is an initiative that, through a program of sessions and activities during allow researchers to analyze the impact and business potential of technological projects and develop action plans for next steps, in addition to improving innovative knowledge and skills. The 2023 edition of UPM2T program began on October 26, 2023 and finish by mid-February,… Read more: IRTEMS project participates at the 2023 edition of the UPM2T deep tech venture validation programme
- Participation at the 25th International Transport and Air Pollution Conference.TAP&SE international conference is a forum to discuss a wide variety of questions related to the impacts of the transport sector on all parts of the environment, including atmosphere, climate, terrestrial ecosystems and the marine environment. This year, the 25th TAP conference was held from September 25-27, 2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden. There, the work done… Read more: Participation at the 25th International Transport and Air Pollution Conference.
- Pint of Science 2023Road transport is currently one of the main sources of air pollution in urban areas. To accurately understand the high concentrations of pollutants that occur in certain urban areas and their influence on the actual exposure of the population, it is necessary to estimate the contribution of road traffic to atmospheric emissions in great detail.… Read more: Pint of Science 2023
- Mid-project newsletterProgress towards achieving IRTEMS goals Summary of the context and overall objectives of the project: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), outdoor air pollution causes 4.2 million premature deaths annually, most of them in urban areas where both, emission sources and population concentrate. Therefore, tackling urban air quality constitutes a pressing priority from the… Read more: Mid-project newsletter
- Participation at the 33rd CRC Real-World Emissions Workshop.The Real-World Emissions Workshop is annually organized by the Coordinating Research Council to present research and contributions that improve emissions and air quality, and evolves in response to research needs. At this year’s 33rd CRC Real-World Emissions Workshop, part of the work done under the IRTEMS project was presented on a platform presentation under the… Read more: Participation at the 33rd CRC Real-World Emissions Workshop.
- IRTEMS project participates in the 20th Actúa UPM entrepeneurship programThe ActúaUPM is a reference program on entrepeneurship training. The program aims to promote the generation of innovative ideas and encourage entrepreneurship at the university environment. Results from the IRTEMS project were proposed to this program competing with more than 300 other ideas and achiving it to the third and final round of this entrepeneurship… Read more: IRTEMS project participates in the 20th Actúa UPM entrepeneurship program
- Project presentation at the 2023 Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference and General AssemblyThe Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) is a international non-profit organization established and supported by the European Commission and run by members encouraging networking and cooperation. During this 2023 MCAA Conference and General Assembly held in Córdoba, Spain on February 24-25, 2023, the IRTEMS project was presented in two different sessions during the lightning talks… Read more: Project presentation at the 2023 Marie Curie Alumni Association Conference and General Assembly
- Project presentation at the 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual MeetingThe Transportation Research Board (TRB) annual meeting is one of the biggest transportation related meetings with thousands of experts from all the transportation related sectors joining every year. The annual meeting host more than 175 standing technical committees representing almost every transportation mode and topic. The standing technical committees within TRB are communities of individuals… Read more: Project presentation at the 102nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting
- Mid-project meetingThe mid-project progress meeting from the IRTEMS project took place on October 20, 2022 at North Carolina State University – NCSU (third country host) facilities, at Fitts-Woolard Hall with the program supervisors Dr. Rafael Borge and Dr. Andrew Grieshop and the experienced researcher for the project Dr. Christina Quaassdorff. During the meeting the main achievements… Read more: Mid-project meeting
- Open access publication on the comparison of microscale traffic emission models for urban networksThis study shows differences between emission models and identifies key variables for high resolution estimations. Traffic-related air quality issues remain in urban areas worldwide. For this reason, there is an increasing need to estimate the contribution of road traffic to atmospheric emissions at local level with high temporal and spatial resolution. Modal models compute emission… Read more: Open access publication on the comparison of microscale traffic emission models for urban networks