Communication activities

Mid-project meeting

The mid-project progress meeting from the IRTEMS project took place on October 20, 2022 at North Carolina State University – NCSU (third country host) facilities, at Fitts-Woolard Hall with the program supervisors Dr. Rafael Borge and Dr. Andrew Grieshop and the experienced researcher for the project Dr. Christina Quaassdorff. During the meeting the main achievements of the project were discussed along with the next coming steps for the successful completion of the project.

The beneficiary institution supervisor meet in person the facilities at NCSU and provided a seminar hosted by the NCSU Environmental, Water and Coastal group on October 21, 2022 for around 25 students, faculty and researcher on Environmental Engineering. The purpose of the seminar was to present “Ongoing research activities on urban air quality in the Madrid Region (Spain)” providing an insight on the current research done by the group and collaboration opportunities.

Project meeting. From left to right Christina Quaassdorff (IRTEMS experienced resercher) and Rafael Borge (IRTEMS beneficiary institution advisor) and Andrew Grieshop (not in the picture)
EWC seminar hosted by NCSU. From left to right Ricardo Morales, Rafael Borge (IRTEMS supervisor), Fernando Garcia Menendez, Andrew Grieshop (IRTEMS supervisor) and Christina Quaassdorff (IRTEMS experienced researcher).